Here at ADMIN, we are constantly working on enhancing our productivity both as a company and as individuals. For inspiration, we will often turn to things like TEDTalks and podcasts. In fact, that is why we started our podcast series here on our blog. This same initiative has encouraged us to start a new monthly series on the blog that is dedicated to books that have influenced our team. Welcome to the Monthly Book Review.


For more than 25 years, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has remained a top seller on the list of books that people use in hopes of improving themselves both personally and professionally. This month, we decided to find out exactly why this book is in such demand by making it the ADMIN Monthly Book Review.

Stephen Covey, author of the renowned book, takes a thorough look and both the positive and negative habits that affect the average person in their personal and professional life. He then details seven specific habits which he believes creates a more positive result when going after your goals. Whether you are looking to advance your sales model in business or build stronger long-lasting relationships (both in and out of the workplace), implementing these seven habits can help.

Here is a brief overview of each habit and the intention behind Covey’s approach:

This book will definitely make you question your current model for achieving the things you want in life and in business. While habits are not easily and effortlessly established, this book will definitely serve a guide on where to start. It may also become a resource for when you ‘fall off’ or feel discouraged. No matter how you apply the concepts in the book, you are sure to find that spark of motivation in order to be a more effective person.

We want to know: what book(s) are you reading this month? Share them with us in the comment section below!