Here at ADMIN, we are constantly working on enhancing our productivity both as a company and as individuals. For inspiration, we will often turn to things like TEDTalks and podcasts. In fact, that is why we started our podcast series here on our blog. This same initiative has encouraged us to start a new monthly series on the blog that is dedicated to books that have influenced our team. Welcome to the Monthly Book Review.
Many of us who read personal development books (or listen to audiobooks) get excited at the prospect of improving our lives by using the concepts and techniques we learn from these books. However, we often find that implementing the concepts and techniques fall short of our expectations. We expect quick results, work at it for a short period of time and when the results don’t materialize, we lose interest and move on to new approach, hoping for better results. If this pattern sounds familiar, then reading The Slight Edge is for you.
The book delves into a process for learning new things and details how your philosophy is the starting point for the establishment of the right attitude. Jeff Olson believes that this leads to the right actions that ultimately get you to your desired results and determines your quality of life. By changing our simple daily activities (such as using a ‘What I did today list’ instead of a ‘What I need to do list’) Olson changes the way we think about our habits and our decision making process.
After reading this book, you will come away with a new awareness for the causes of both success and failure. Success does not happen overnight and neither does failure. The steps to success are easy to do, but they are also easy not to do. The reality is that these steps are all up to you and how you go forward happens at the point where you choose to either do, or not do, what is necessary to succeed. Success, therefore, is a series of disciplines repeated every day; failure is errors in judgement repeated every day. Neither happens overnight!
Ready to reevaluate the way you make decisions? Start by reading this book…it’s the first step!
What books have you been reading? Share them with us in the comment section below!