ADMIN’s CEO, Mark Heisler, was recently invited to partake in a video case study for one of our clients, the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). The video was created to detail some of the challenges ACNA faced with their multi-location retirement plan.
The organization was operating two separate retirement plans with two recordkeepers and with little operational conformity. ACNA, with this assistance of its retirement plan consultant, Cammack Retirement Group, ultimately choose an all-in-solution, working with a single record keeper, MassMutual and ADMIN Partners, as the plan’s third-party administrator.
As a leading full-service TPA in the tax-exempt and government space, we pride ourselves in providing custom plan administrative support to all our clients. As the ACNA plan continues to grow by adding new Church locations, ADMIN’s service team is right alongside to ensure a great experience. You can learn more about our efforts with ACNA in the full video provided below.
Should you have any questions surrounding the health of your company’s retirement plan, contact one of our team members today! You can reach us via email at [email protected] or by phone at 877-484-4400. We can’t wait to hear from you!