When it comes to business, there is one thing that plays a role no matter what industry you are in: branding. In fact, branding is what encompasses what a business and it’s people are about. In today’s world, we see the term ‘branding’ constantly. People are even starting to use branding to market themselves as individuals. With this in mind, our team was curious to explore branding more and to determine how a business can use this to benefit the clients they support. This led us to our pick for April’s Monthly Book Review: Brand Storytelling by Miri Rodriguez.
While most brands use their platform to talk about what they do or what services they provide, brand storytelling shifts the conversation. Rodriguez believes that by using storytelling, you can showcase how your business has changed the lives of your customers. Not only does this approach put the focus back onto the customer, but it also draws on human emotions. Brand storytelling allows a business to create connections with prospects by sharing experiences and putting attention on the values of the business. More simply put, brand storytelling allows a business to create a personal connection to its clients.

This book is a refreshing take on how to build a long-term relationship with your clients and customers. Miri uses examples of brands like Expedia and Adobe to showcase how storytelling impacted their business and the connections with their customers. Storytelling is not only a refreshing way to approach your business, but also a great opportunity to become personable with clients and future prospects.
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