On May 3, 2018 ADMIN’s Sales Manager, Greg Verna, traveled up to State College, Pennsylvania to present an educational workshop to advisors working with Horace Mann. Greg started the presentation by introducing the advisors to ADMIN Partners and the services that we provide. After a brief history on the company and an overview of where we are in the industry today, Greg opened up a conversation on the recent updates to the IRS rules and regulations surrounding 403(b) Plans. Specifically, he reviewed the 403(b) pre-approved prototype document and the steps ADMIN is taking to ensure that all of our existing plans (and incoming clients) meet the 2020 deadline.

Greg also created a discussion surrounding the value that each advisor can bring to a school district and illustrated what causes plan sponsors to deselect investment providers. This provided the attendees with some insight as to the importance of being present in their district as well as staying educated on the design options for the a document.

To wrap up the workshop, Greg addressed the PA ACT-5 along with the specifications surrounding the reformed bill that was passed in 2016. He also opened the floor to the advisors for a Q&A session where Greg was able to discuss the evolving marketplace and get feedback on what the advisors would like to see from full-service TPA’s like ADMIN.

ADMIN Partners is committed to creating new educational opportunities for interested financial advisors all around the country. For additional information about this presentation or to learn more about our services, contact our Sales Manager, Greg Verna, at 856-382-3501 or you can reach us via email at [email protected].