Working in the retirement industry, we often spend a lot of time talking about saving money. If you ask us, it’s something that is not talked about enough. In fact, the significance of saving money for your later years is usually overlooked. With a tough economy and high expenses, people tend find themselves focusing more on getting by each day versus planning for the years ahead. This is something that ADMIN understands and can sympathize with; yet, as experts in the retirement planning industry, we know that saving is an option for any and every one.
To help build up our argument on saving, we decided to dedicate this April’s Book of the Month post to a book that helps you save in a realistic way. The Latte Factor, written by David Bach, is a book that walks you through all the reasons you should save and all the excuses you can make not to do so. Bach has spent years dedicated to helping people improve their personal finances, but unlike other financial advisors, he refuses to take the unattainable approach. Rather than pushing you to find new ways to make money, David encourages you to use the money you already have to save more for the things you want in your life.

There is no shortage of finance books telling you how and why you need to save money. What we love about this book is the ease in which it proves that you don’t have to be rich in order to save. In fact, the ‘secret’ that Bach shares in this book is to simply make better choices with the money you already have. Each day, we are all faced with financial decisions; some big and some small. Whether it’s buying a new $30,000 car or simply buying a $5.00 latte, these decisions all impact our overall ability to save for our future. Bach simply asks you to look at these decisions and decide if each purchase puts you closer to your goals.
This book is a quick and easy read, but one that will definitely leave an impact on how you spend your money and how you save your money. It is a refreshing take on personal finances and one that we definitely recommend!