ADMIN Partners was built on the relationships we have with both our Employers and the Financial Advisors that support their Plans. This is why we continue to take a team approach to working with Financial Advisors. We believe that by working alongside Advisors as they assist plans, we can become the ultimate retirement planning duo! In order to expend on these relationships, we want to take a moment to introduce you to some of the experts behind your retirement plan administration.
To better help Financial Advisors educate their clients on who ADMIN Partners is and how we can help support their retirement plan needs, we have created the following library of marketing materials.
Feel free to download these materials and share them with your onboarding/existing clients.
Use The Library Below To Download
ADMIN’s Marketing Materials

ADMIN's Media Kit
Our media kit gives clients an inside look at the ADMIN Partners solution and the services we provide.

All In Solution
Show clients how ADMIN Partners works alongside Financial Advisors to create an all-in solution for their retirement needs.

ADMIN's Fact Sheet
Our fact sheet gives clients the run down on ADMIN’s history, our services, and the focus of ADMIN Partners.

Service Comparison Model
This chart breaks down the services offered by ADMIN Partners so clients can find the retirement solution that best fits their needs.

Plan Services Comparison
See how ADMIN’s plan services stack up against the competition and how ADMIN brings more to the table.

Special Services
A mini version of our Media Kit, the Special Services document showcases how ADMIN Partners is your competitive advantage.